Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The second fat field maple - part 4

Will this ever go into this pot? I believe in planting such trees into the smallest possible container. It may well be the final one. Trees grow BETTER in such contaienres if watered and fed very well as long as the substrate is very well draining. And then you never have the problem to get it into the final container again. The final container often is BIGGER then the growing container.

1) and 2) the roots are stuffed in. At this stage I do not like to cut off roots. Only if really necessary because of space problems.
3) here we are
4) Alex and Petra are fillig in substrate (pumice, vbaked clay and soem peat). In the end the put top substrate on the surface for looks only.
5) this is the back. The stone is not for decoration but to make sure the tree does not fall out of the pot. Huge tres like this one are not fastend with wire. They sit in the pot with their own weight and will sty there usually whatever happens.
6) Finished